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EHM - 2011 Report

By Hawley Todd TSSF


              Episcopal Healing Ministries, EHM, had a very successful year in 2010. EHM has remained committed to following the admonition of Jesus in Luke 9:2 to preach and to heal.  While historically EHM has emphasized teaching and the formation of healing ministers, one of the primary goals in 2010 was to expand our current offerings to include more opportunities for people to receive the healing grace of God.



               On the local level in the Diocese of Southern Ohio, EHM efforts have borne fruit in exciting ways.  St Timothy's Episcopal Church in Anderson Township has begun a monthly contemplative healing service.  Grace Episcopal Church in College Hill now has a healing service as its principal Sunday morning worship service once a month.  The ecumenical healing service At Grace which is held the second Wednesday of each month averaged 56 people a service in 2010. 


               EHM is working with Grace Episcopal to expand its healing ministry so that the parish may become an oasis of healing.  A team of healing ministers is being trained so that healing sessions may be scheduled at times other than in liturgical settings.  While 5 Roman Catholic parishes currently have models for that type of ministry, EHM and Grace are moving slowly and cautiously.  EHM's goal is to create a pilot program that can be taken to other Episcopal Churches. 



                One of EHM's goals was to create a mentor/training program for ministers of healing.  Currently that is being done on an individual basis and includes both theoretical and experiential learning.  The theoretical portion includes training in the following areas:  Healing in Holy Scriptures, Healing in History,  Theologies of Healing, Ethics, Pastoral Care, and Contemporary Healing Modalities.  OUr first student is preparing for graduation as a Minister of Healing and 3 more are anticipated to graduate in 2011.  



                 The biggest challenge that faces EHM is to become financially sustainable.  EHM has been maintained primarily through the generosity of its staff members.  Memorial gifts and Honorariums from speaking engagements help to offset some expenses.  Would you like to share in our mission to spread the good news of the healing power of Christ over the website?New technology offers the opportunity to reach small parishes throughout the country and to offer education affordable to all.  I believe God has new paradigms for ministries of healing in the 21st century.  Creating a paradigm for the parish as an oasis of healing can be one of them.

A pledge of financial support would be acknowleged and gratefully received to further develop this goal.





                                                       led by Hawley Todd


St Peter's Episcopal Church, Savannah. Georgia            Feb 25-27


The Deacons's School, Diocese of  Indiana                   March 11


Trinity Church, Waycross, Indiana                               March 12-13


St Luke's Episcopal Parish, Evanston, Illinois                April 1-2


The Order of St Luke Conference, Bay Village, Ohio    April 8-9


St. Barnabas, Cleveland, Ohio                                     April 10




          Hawley will be speaking at Christ Church, Glendale, Ohio in June 2011.   He has received requests from two parishes for fall engagements which are being planned. 




Misc News



 1. General Convention Resolution AO77: Episcopal Health Ministries


2. Name Change: EHMF becomes Episcopal Healing Ministries


 3. Reflections from conventions & missions


 4. Need for intercessors and financial support




AO77: Episcopal Health Ministries


               In July 2009, the 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church passed resolution A077 which was entitled Episcopal Health Ministries. A077 resolved "that the 76th General Convention urges the congregations of The Episcopal Church, which have not already done so, to explore and implement health ministry as an organizing concept or vital component of outreach and pastoral care of the congregations by 2012; and be it further Resolved, That the General Convention encourages congregations to raise awareness of health ministries and promote the understanding that health includes body, mind and spirit."  This resolution had been proposed by the Standing Commission on Health.



Episcopal Healing Ministries


               Since its inception in 1987, The Episcopal Healing Ministry Foundation (EHMF) has worked diligently to implement the Gospel imperative of Luke 9:2 where Jesus Christ commands us to preach and to heal.  Preaching the Gospel and healing the sick are imperative for the wholeness and salvation of everyone.  To further the healing ministries of our Lord Jesus Christ and his church and to help implement AO77, EHMF has refined its name to become Episcopal Healing Ministries (EHM). EHM is committed to the vision of A077. 

               Funding for charitable organizations and ministries is at an all time low. EHM has prayed and sought guidance for how to best carry out its mission in the current economic climate.  EHM discerned that the word "foundation" could be misleading since it implies an endowed organization with a financial legacy.  EHM is unendowed and to retain the word "foundation" in its name has proved to be a significant barrier to getting grants to support its active ministries.



Reflections from conventions & missions



            God is alive and well and very active in the world and in the church.  While many people focus on the political debates and dissensions that abound in the Episcopal Church, we have had the opportunity to interact with numerous clergy and laity who have shared their stories.  Perhaps the fact that our organization's name is explicitly about healing invites people to share their stories about what God is doing in their lives and parishes.  Over and over we hear about God's grace and love being made manifest.  And the greatest blessing of all is that we get to see it with our own eyes.  Even in the exhibit hall of the General Convention where we had a booth, people would come and ask for prayers.  And to top it off, people would come back and report the wonderful things God had done!  It was amazing.


            A frequent question that has arisen over the last few months concerns the relationship of EHM and OSL (The Order of St Luke the Physician).  First of all, OSL and the EHM are totally separate organizations and operate independently of one another.  While individuals may be active in both, many may find one or the other to be better suited to their needs at any given time.


             It is important to note that the chief objective of both organizations is to promote the healing ministry of Jesus Christ in the Christian Church.  Both OSL and EHM use the actions and teachings of Jesus as their primary source of instruction and look to the New Testament as their "guidebook."  In brief, both organizations were founded to train and encourage individuals in the actual practice of the healing ministry.


           There are important differences between OSL and EHM.  OSL was founded to be an ecumenical organization which operates independently of any denominational polity and doctrines.  EHM was founded to operate under the authority of the Episcopal Church and in conformity with its constitution and canons.  When individuals complete their training in OSL, they are inducted as members of OSL.  When individuals are sufficiently trained by the EHM to exercise ministries of healing, they are commissioned by their local parish to carry out their ministries as a member of that parish.  They operate under the authority and supervision of the rector of their home parish.  EHM tailors its training programs to be in conformity with the norms and expectations of the local parish so that healing and wholeness ministries can be integrated into the existing structures of parish life.

While OSL remains focused on healing as embodied in the ministry of Jesus and the early disciples, EHM has expanded its focus to include all ministries of wholeness and pastoral care that might be done in a parish setting.  EHM has worked extensively with parish nurses and health ministry programs such as Stephen Ministers to incorporate healing prayer in appropriate ways in their ministries.  EHM takes a holistic approach to healing and works with both bio-medical and alternative modalities of therapy.


               In conclusion, there is a very large degree of congruity between OSL and EHM. 
While OSL is ecumenical in membership, its focus in the healing ministry is centered in the
areas traditionally associated with healing prayer.  On the other hand, EHM works largely
within the Episcopal Church but its focus on healing and wholeness is inclusive and holistic
and works to include healing prayer in all aspects of pastoral ministries. The Order of Saint
Luke and Episcopal Healing Ministries are valuable and effective assets to ministries of
healing in parishes. Each one addresses a portion of the Lord's imperative to extend
wholeness and healing to all who wish or need to experience it.



Need for intercessors and financial support



               Episcopal Healing Ministries receives many requests from individuals and parishes around the world for help in establishing healing ministries.  EHM often donates significant time and energy working with those who cannot afford to pay an honorarium and/or travel expenses.  Much of that work is limited to what can be done via the internet and cell phone conversations.  We would like expand our services to parishes that are in need but we need your assistance to cover travel expenses.  Even a small donation of what many spend on an evening’s entertainment would empower us to help a struggling parish.

               Currently the staff of EHM does not receive any compensation for their work.  We would like to be able to cover at least some of the health care costs for our full time executive director.  The generosity of God's people has been what has enabled us to carry on our ministries for the past 22 years.  Will you be part of this mission and Luke 9:2?  Please send your contributions to Episcopal Healing Ministries, Christ Church Cathedral, 318 East Fourth St., Cincinnati, OH 45202.  EHM is a 501 C 3 charitable organization.


               Prayer is at the heart of all that EHM does.  Become an intercessor and join us in praying for those in need.  If you would like to become a prayer partner with EHM, contact Hawley Todd TSSF at todd@episcopalhealing.org


               The Irish Book of Common Prayer has a wonderful service of healing entitled A Celebration of Healing.  The following prayer is taken from that service. Hear the prayer we offer for all your people. Remember in your mercy those for whom we pray:

heal the sick, raise the fallen, strengthen the fainthearted and enfold in your love the fearful and those who have no hope. In the fullness of time complete your gracious work.

Reconcile all things in Christ and make them new. Restore us in your image, renew us in your love, that we may serve you as sons and daughters in your kingdom; through your anointed Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit we lift our voices of thanks and praise:

Blessed be God, our strength and our salvation, now and for ever. Amen.                                                                               


Episcopal Healing Ministries + Christ Church Cathedral

318 East Fourth Street  +  Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 + email: info@episcopalhealing.org