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The ministries of EHM are designed to empower individuals and groups to become the persons God created them to be. 

Our services for individuals specialize in:

Ministry of Christ Healing

Spiritual Direction

Individuals may schedule private sessions for Ministry of Christ Healing, Spiritual Direction, or formation by contacting Hawley Todd TSSF at todd@episcopalhealing.org or 513-967-6581 to make an appointment.

Our ministries for groups include:

          Celebrations of Wholeness and Healing

          Healing Missions



Quiet Days

Healing & healthcare organizations, dioceses, and churches may schedule events by contacting Hawley Todd TSSF at todd@episcopalhealing.org or 513-967-6581.        

In the spring of 2012, EHM opened a healing center in Loveland, Ohio.  The healing center is available for use by individual and groups.

The staff of EHM utilizes all forms of communication in our ministries. For those ministries which require travel, fees for services include travel expenses, accommodations, and an honorarium.  Over the past few years, a significant portion of our ministries have been handled through telecommunications and the internet. It is EHM’s expectation, that persons utilizing these modes will make a donation.  For extended consultation, an hourly fee would be normative.




Episcopal Healing Ministries + Christ Church Cathedral

318 East Fourth Street  +  Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 + email: info@episcopalhealing.org